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English Listening - Input Test

Listening » Level B2 » English Listening - Input Test

Test Instructions

Listen to the audio and fill in the missing words in the text.

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Question 1
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Listen to the audio recording about climate change and fill in the missing words in the text below: Climate change is one of the most significant challenges facing our planet today. According to scientists, the Earth's average temperature has increased by approximately [1] degrees Celsius since the pre-industrial era. This warming is primarily caused by human activities, especially the burning of [2] fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, which release [3] dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun, leading to what is known as the [4] effect. As a result, we are experiencing more frequent and intense [5] events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems worldwide. To address this issue, countries around the world signed the [6] Agreement in 2015, committing to limit global warming to well below [7] degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. This requires a significant reduction in [8] emissions and a transition to renewable energy sources such as [9] and wind power. Individuals can also contribute to fighting climate change by reducing their [10] footprint through actions like using public transportation, consuming less meat, and conserving energy at home.

How to Approach This Listening Test

Tips and Strategies

["Listen to the audio multiple times if necessary.","Pay attention to keywords and context clues.","Write exactly what you hear, including spelling and punctuation.","Read the text first to anticipate what information might be missing."]

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