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Checking into a Hotel - A2 English Listening Test

Listening » Level A2 » Checking into a Hotel - A2 English Listening Test

Test Instructions

Listen to a conversation about checking into a hotel and answer the questions.

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Please answer all questions to complete this test. Good luck!

Question 1
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Question 1
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Listen to a woman checking into a hotel, and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

1. What's Lisa's surname?

2. What room has Lisa booked?

3. What was the problem with the reservation?

4. Where can Lisa have dinner today?

5. What time will Lisa check out tomorrow?

6. What does Lisa ask the receptionist?

7. What time does Lisa want to get up tomorrow?

How to Approach This Listening Test

This listening test focuses on understanding a conversation at a hotel reception. It covers vocabulary related to hotel check-in procedures, room types, and hotel facilities.

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